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Juana Martinez-Neal

Summer Break Coloring Pages

Summer Break Coloring Pages by Juana


















Yes, it’s that time of the year! The much anticipated SUMMER BREAK.
(Jaws’ theme song playing – loudly)

Starting Monday, May 30th I’ll have a weekly coloring page for you to print out and hand to your little ones. This will last through Monday, September 5th.

Neither rain, nor shine, nor holiday, nor tantrum, nor conference will stop the 9am PST weekly delivery. That’s a total of 15 coloring pages to keep your most precious and shortest loved ones temporarily busy.

Why am I doing this? This household has not one but two little ones constantly (and I mean constantly) requesting drawings of different things/animals/situations so they can paint while I work. I thought this summer I would share it with the world and give other hard-working moms and dads a few minutes to focus on bills, work, laundry or just to lift their feet up, savor that iced tea and read that magazine that has been waiting for you. Now you can!

It sounds good, doesn’t it? So sign-up and get your Weekly Coloring Pages delivered to your inbox or subscribe to my blog and get those few minutes to yourself. We know you deserve them!

Would you like to make a subject request? Just post yours on the comments! Requests are on a first-come first-serve basis. I’ll try my best to honor most requests.

Other than that, see you next Monday!


Stay updated via: email | rss | facebook

A partir del 30 de Mayo tendré una entrega semanal de páginas de colorear para que impriman y den a sus angelitos a pintar. Esto durará hasta el 5 de Septiembre.

Nada impedirá la entrega semanal de las 9 de la mañana PST. Eso es un total de 15 páginas de colorear para mantener a sus más preciados y cortos amados temporalmente ocupados.

Inscríbete a la Página de Colorear de Vacaciones de Verano por email o siguiendo mi blog!

Tienen sugerencias? Pueden postear lo que quisieran ver en los próximas páginas de colorear en los comentarios!

Y con eso dicho, nos vemos el próximo lunes!


Mantente al día: emailrssfacebook

Children's book author and illustrator, mami of three, wife, sun aficionado, amateur singer and Margarita lover born in Lima, Peru and living in sunny AZ.


  • May 25, 2011

    This is awesome!

  • May 26, 2011

    maria eugenia

    Hermoso, muchas gracias por este regalo…besos

  • June 9, 2011

    C Francisco Martinez

    June 19 Sauntering day… ? :^}

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