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Juana Martinez-Neal

I’m the tagged one

Tagged You are IT

I’ve been tagged by Toni at Undertones Art Gipsy so here we go. We have three chapters to this story.

CHAPTER 1 – The Rules:

1 – Link back to the person who tagged you.
2 – Post these rules on your blog.
3 – Share 6 unimportant things about yourself.
4 – Tag 3 random bloggers at the end of your blog entry.
5 – Let tagged people know by leaving a comment on their blogs.

CHAPTER 2 – AKA Step 2:

Here are 6 things unimportant things about Miss me:
1 – I love ladybugs and I let them walk all over me.
2 – I ordered my wedding gown three months before being officially engaged.
3 – Kitties are fascinating animals to me.
4 – There are so many birdies to paint and such little time.
5 – I was the last one picked at sports. I’m so glad to be an artist.
6 – Spanish is my first language and this should have been item # 1.

CHAPTER 3 – The Tagging:

I’m tagging:
1 – Miss Megumi @ Goomie’s World – a fellow illustrator.
2 – Claudia Degliuomini en çläu – Awesome illustrator – Que viva Sudamerica!
3 – Lucia Masciullo at Luci Altrove – another awesome ilustratrice.

Children's book author and illustrator, mami of three, wife, sun aficionado, amateur singer and Margarita lover born in Lima, Peru and living in sunny AZ.


  • February 26, 2008


    Hola Juana! gracias por tu invitación, espero no te moleste pero me gusta cambiar las reglas del juego.
    Aquí te dejo mis 6 cosas:
    1- Soy adicta al trabajo: mínimo 10 horas al tablero y nada me distrae
    2- Amo la soledad: vivo en una zona de quintas, de 8 a 17 hs quedo completamente sola en silencio con mi perra Olivia y mi gato Benito, trabajando FELIZZZZZ
    3- Los fines de semana, no toco ni un lápiz. Me gusta cocinar platos raros y compartirlos con amigos y mi familia.
    4- Mi comida preferida es la rúcula acompañada con cualquier cosa
    5- Soy como las gallinas me despierto con el primer rayo del sol y hago el esfuerzo por mantenerme despierta luego que se pone.
    6- Me gusta mucho la jardinería en mi casa o de amigos, construí un estanque con nenúfares y peces, que es mi cable a tierra.

    Viva Sudamerica!!!
    Se notan tus raices en la fuerza de tus colores!
    un abrazo

  • February 28, 2008


    Thank you Juana, I’m proud to be chosen from you! Your works are beautiful and so colourful.

    I’ve noticed we have in common the favourite book: I love “cent’ anni di solitudine” (I’ve read the italian version :)


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