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Juana Martinez-Neal

Ceviche for “They Draw and Cook”

Nate Padavick and Salli Swindell started the blog “They Draw and Cook” a while back. There, illustrators submitted recipes that they felt like sharing. And although I hardly ever cook, I loved the idea of illustrating a Peruvian recipe so I picked my recipe immediately. Last week, I made time to start and finish the color illustration and type. Mainly because the deadline for submissions was October 10th.

My recipe: Peruvian Ceviche
| Click on images to enlarge the illustrations |

An interesting aspect of the project is that I tried to use Mochica iconography throughout the piece. The pre-Inca culture had one of the richest and most elaborate iconography of all of the Pre-Inca and Inca Civilizations. You may have read about the Lord of Sipan. If that’s the case, then you have seen the Mochica Civilization and the wonderful jewelry, pottery and iconography that they made. My mom’s side of the family came from Trujillo (province of La Libertad in Peru) one of the areas where the Mochicas flourished many, many years ago. Needless to say the piece has a lot of meaning to me and the research was a LOT of fun.

And don’t forget to stop by Nate & Salli’s blog to see more of the fun recipes other illustrators have created: theydrawandcook.com

UPDATE: And something I forgot to mention is that “They Draw and Cook” will be a book. There will be 100 recipes in the printed version. I’ll post something later once the book is ready so you can buy your copies. I certainly will.

Peruvian Ceviche - They Draw and Cook

Peruvian Ceviche - They Draw and Cook | Illustration

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Children's book author and illustrator, mami of three, wife, sun aficionado, amateur singer and Margarita lover born in Lima, Peru and living in sunny AZ.


  • October 18, 2010

    If I saw a WHOLE book like this I would immediately buy a bunch of copies! One for me and many more for gifts! I really love your work Juana. You are such a great artist!

  • October 18, 2010

    BTW, the website idea is so cool!!! Loving it!

  • October 20, 2010

    I love your illustration for your Peruvian recipe, beautiful job! It will be a great addition to the recipe book.

    I had the opportunity to visit the Lord of Sipan Museum in Lambayeque, it really is quite impressive.

  • October 20, 2010

    Hay tantos bellos lugares para visitar en Perú, en cada viaje trato de descubrir algo nuevo : )

  • September 9, 2013


    WOW! tu trabajo es MÁGICO! Me encanta!
    Y es genial saber que es de una peruana como yo, Saludos (;

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