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Juana Martinez-Neal

Jorge and Iguana Magazine

Jorge y las sirenas

During the Spring I received a short story to illustrate for the July/August issue of “Iguana Magazine”. I immediately said yes knowing that “Iguana Magazine” is published in Spanish, it’s a children’s magazine and it aims to instill Latino pride to the children that read it. What else did I need to know? That the story was about a little boy that dreamed of Mermaids. There was no going back. Tight deadline and all, I took the project.

So this week I got my copy and eek! I loved what I saw. I picked up my envelope on the long ride to a furniture store in search of new bookstores – I’ve run out of shelves in my studio hence we are in search of new bookshelves to move some of my books to the living room but that’s another story so I digress. I picked up my envelope on my long ride to Tempe to a furniture store in search of new bookshelves for the living room. I opened and closed the magazine on the same page about 15 times. Opened. Looked. Ah! Closed. Opened. Looked. Eh! Closed. And repeated the endless loop as if I’d find something new the next time I opened the magazine on yet the same page. No, I was not the designated driver to our Tempe furniture “boutique.” What do you think? I’m not that reckless!

So as soon as we got home I took some quick pictures and wrote this post. And I know that deadlines are pretty tight for me right now but I had to share them with you. So without further ado, boys and girls, “Jorge, el Pintor de Sirenas” IN PRINT.

Iguana Magazine - July/August issue
Iguana Magazine - Jorge, el Pintor de Sirenas

And now with all my Peruvian pride, some process photos I took while working on the pieces last June. I love taking process pictures and I bet you know that about me by now.

Working on the 3 illustrations for Jorge, el Pintor de Sirenas
Detail of 3 illustrations for Jorge, el Pintor de Sirenas
Work in progress of illustration for Jorge, el Pintor de Sirenas
Christianne and Mark work really hard to bring an Spanish children’s magazine to this country and they deserve support. Show it by subscribing to “Iguana Magazine” for a year, two, three or four. You can read more about the magazine duo here. And now I leave you proudly saying: Hasta pronto!

[button href=”http://www.nicagal.com/iguana/eng/ig_subs.html”]Subscribe to Iguana Magazine[/button]

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Children's book author and illustrator, mami of three, wife, sun aficionado, amateur singer and Margarita lover born in Lima, Peru and living in sunny AZ.


  • August 22, 2011

    Wonderful, work, Juana! Love these illustrations, and thanks for sharing process pics!

  • September 5, 2011


  • June 30, 2013


    These are very beautiful Juana!
    I just happen to come across your work and I love all of them, specially the girl characters. :)

    Can you tell me what you are using to make the hair lines and shades for the fingers? They are sharp and clear even over dark colors. :)

    Thank you.


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