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Juana Martinez-Neal

“The Messy One” Giveaway

Nothing is as exciting as having a copy in your hands of a book that you wrote or illustrated. That time has finally arrived for “The Messy One”. The book is part of the “Little Boost” Series written by Christianne Jones, published by Picture Window Books/Capstone Publishers and illustrated by yours truly. And I have to tell you, I couldn’t be any happier. The book looks INCREDIBLE! And to celebrate such niceness, I’m giving away a copy. Woop! Woop! or to say it better: Oink! Oink!

The Main Character

A year ago, I received a manuscript by email. I liked it immediately. Vivienne was the main character and she was fun, full of energy and messy. The next day they told me, she could be any animal that I wanted. Oh, the possibilities! I saw Vivienne morph from a cute little fox to an artsy cat to later become a hairy javelina. Kind of like an inverted caterpillar to butterfly evolution but oh, I loved that javelina! She had an attitude and hair to donate to the masses.

The Editor and Art Director liked the javelina as well and requested two changes: loose the tusks and hair. And as you can imagine, we ended up with a piggy.
Final Vivienne

The Technique

Capstone liked the colors from my colored pencil pieces and the textures from my mixed media work so I ended up mixing both techniques for the book. Final results were illustrations done with colored pencils and acrylics over different textured backgrounds with some collage elements on Canson Bristol Vellum 100mg.

Some illustrations had textured backgrounds that covered the whole piece while others only had texture as accents – like you can see below where I only added texture to the grass.

Vivienne spread with textured accents on background
The best example of the collage elements I used in the book is Vivienne’s cute denim dress. It was done with real denim – my denim shorts. In the picture below you can see the title page and endpapers and it shows how I used the fabric in the book.

Denim used throughout the book for Vivienne's dress

The Illustrations

A few of the illustrations that are included in the book.

Messy Piggy
I Can Do It!
Oh, where would it be?
Bikers and Unicorns

The Book

I can’t wait for all of you to see the book but in the meantime a few images of the interior pages of “The Messy One”.

The Messy One - Title Page
The Messy One - Opening Spread
The Messy One - Messy Necklace
A downloadable, free coloring page from a sketch not included in the book and an easy button to order your copy. Almost to the giveaway time!

The Messy One - Coloring Page
Coloring Page


The Messy One - Picture Window Books/Capstone Publishers, 2011

Order a Copy


The Giveaway

This is my first GIVEAWAY ever and you will get a copy of “The Messy One”. To enter just drop a comment below. On October 3rd, a winner will be randomly chosen. Don’t forget to include your contact email on the comments so I can get in touch with you.

The Messy One - Cover
The Messy One - Back cover


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Children's book author and illustrator, mami of three, wife, sun aficionado, amateur singer and Margarita lover born in Lima, Peru and living in sunny AZ.


  • September 19, 2011


    I am new to your blog,and so glad that I found you!!!!!!!!Oh, I truly enjoy viewing your new book along with your wonderful sharing about process with creating this book. You have a really unique style and creativity when it comes to create a children book . I must say that I love your color pencil arts so much because I love how your illustrations are so tender,and warm! It is a great insights and informations about how to create a children book. I have learned so much!!! Also, I love how you combined the mix media along with collage on Vivienne’s outfit. They all fit just perfectly!!! It’s time to spread this wonderful book to everyone I know!!!!!!!

  • September 19, 2011

    I think this is going to be my favorite (so far ;-) Love the denim endpages!

  • September 19, 2011

    Oohh fantastic, Juana! I really love your character and the illustrations look wonderful! Thanks for sharing some bits of your process! And I surely want to enter your giveaway!

    maria@mariabogade.com just in case I win ;-)

  • September 20, 2011

    Oh, Juana ‘the messy one’ is such a master piece!I love it as I do all of your works. What I love so much about ur work is that you bring such life to your animal characters and you know I LOVE textures in an illo…awesome use of denim and other collage materials (is that string for noodles/spagetti on the table?) Oh, I would love the copy of ur book so badly :D
    Looking forward to October 3rd now! :D

  • September 20, 2011

    Wonderful book! And thanks a lot for explaining the process, love how you used the textures in the illustrations :)

  • September 20, 2011

    So excited for you! Vivian is a doll and I can’t wait to see what she gets into! Love your palette and textures. I think I need to throw some colored pencil in with my paint next time I do a piece. ;)

  • September 20, 2011

    Que lindo esta el libro!! More please… !

  • September 20, 2011

    Sarah underwood

    Hi there!

    First off congratulations on a quite extraordinarily beautiful book. My initial impression was being struck by the lively soft colourc pallette which has the result of a very comforting charm to your work.

    Your characterisation is excellent, i was a messy one, with my habit of painting and drawing all the time, whilst i haven’t read the book, i very very much want to. I think your work is very inspiring, and it’s so great that you share your techniques. I too am a huge fan of watercolour pencils and the many exciting colours available. I used them to creat my tiger and strong bear on my site.

    Thank you very much for sharing, it would be an honour to have a copy of your book, but if not, good luck with everything you do and keep up the beautiful work. I’m sure your book will be a huge success, the compositions are delightful and really drew me into the page i’m sure children everywhere will feel the same.

    Best wishes

  • September 20, 2011


    I love your illustrations. They are so very whimsical and colorful. My little girl would love this book!

  • September 20, 2011


    I love your illustrations. They are so very whimsical and colorful. My little girl would love this book!

  • September 20, 2011

    Hooray for giveaways! congratulations on a beautiful book!

  • September 20, 2011

    edit sliacka

    Very lovely:) I like how you use the textures;) what an awesome idea to use denim shorts :D

  • September 20, 2011

    This is a great book. I can’t wait to see it in print. Include me in your contest for the give away!

  • September 20, 2011

    Juana – this is truly a work of art!!! I love it. Vivienne is adorable..I love her boots and oh my goodness, the textures and the denim and collage work is gorgeous. Your work is simply top-notch. Thank you for the chance at the giveaway..and if I lose, I will be ordering a book straightaway.. : ) Super duper congratulations and I know this will be a hit! When does it hit the bookstores?

  • September 20, 2011

    This book is beautiful, but so is everything you do! Great post!

  • September 20, 2011

    Ursula Moreno

    Congratulations Juana! You’ve always been so talented! I’m really happy to see your final product… love your blog! Success & more success!

  • September 21, 2011

    Wow what a great post Juana! Thanks for sharing the process of your beautiful book.

    I have posted this to my new blog Illustration Station as well xx



  • September 21, 2011

    Dana Carey

    Thanks for sharing your work and process, Juana. You’ve created really beautiful, lively, fun illustrations. And thanks for the giveaway. Fingers crossed!

  • September 21, 2011

    Great mixed-media approach. Thanks for sharing these process photos! Can’t wait to see the book. Hope I win! :)

  • September 21, 2011

    alvaro salinas jr


  • September 21, 2011

    This book is beautiful! Great work Juana, congrats! I love your details on process. It is good to hear how you did mixed media with colored pencils. I am coming up with questions on how to do more with colored pencils.

  • September 21, 2011

    Your illustrations are wonderful. Juana Congratulations! It would be great to have a copy of your book in my hands.

  • September 21, 2011

    Patty Esteves

    I love it, realmente me encanto, el color el personaje, esta muy lindo

  • September 21, 2011

    Your illustrations are so sweet! I really hope to win the book! :)


    Fingers crossed!

  • September 21, 2011

    I said it on G+ and now I’m saying it again, you’re an inspiration to beginning illustrators. Keep up the good work. We’re all looking forward to what other projects you do.

  • September 21, 2011

    Marilú Ponte

    Las ilustraciones te han quedado muy bonitas, el personaje es adorable. Las texturas, las técnicas que has empleado, me encantaron. Te felicito.

  • September 21, 2011

    Mary A.

    I have my own little messy one at home so this book would me a great addition to our collection. Thanks for the giveaway and all of the coloring pages you post.

  • September 21, 2011

    How cute Juana! I love to read your explanation and your story of how you did the illustrations. I love the one where she is in the kitchen. Thanks for having this giveaway, I’m going to go share it with the world! :)

  • September 21, 2011


    Oh, my little girl loves pigs! Your work is truly amazing, so glad your friend Dariela suggested the sight via twitter!

    – new follower.

  • September 21, 2011

    Yay! Congrats Juana, your book looks amazing!!

    I wanna win! Hee…… :oD


  • September 21, 2011

    Elvira Munoz

    Hi Juana! It is really nice to see your blog, I was surprised with your illustrations. Congratulations for that. I’m a tutor and a children’s teacher, then it should be wonderful for me to gain the book.

    Good Luck in your next projects.

  • September 21, 2011

    Aleta Lynch

    Juana, your work is beautiful! Can’t wait to see this new book!

  • September 21, 2011

    The book looks awesome! Congrats and thanks for sharing the process.

  • September 21, 2011

    Hello Juana, I love your work! Thank you so much for sharing more about the techniques you used, I always find it fascinating to learn more about how other illustrators work!

    Congratulations with your latest book and I hope there will be many many more!

  • September 22, 2011

    Hola Juana,
    He encontrado tu blog gracias al post de Illustration Station y dejame decirte que me ha encantado tu trabajo de creacion de personajes y del entorno de los mismos. Y el toque de lo de los jeans me parece genial. Me gustaría que me consideraras para la rifa de la copia de tu libro. Aqui te dejo la liga para mi blog.
    Soy una artista mexicana que vive en Francia y me encantaría ilustrar libros para ninos. Tienes algún consejo que puedas darme? Te lo agradezco de antemano.Gabriella
    Ah si! my correo electronic es: sainzgabriella(at)yahoo.fr

  • September 22, 2011

    Marcia Berbeza

    What a cutie patooty! I have little girls that would groove on her style! Looks like a winner!

  • September 23, 2011


    Looks great! I love artistic animals! Congrats :)

  • September 24, 2011


    Felicitaciones Juani!!! tu libro esta muy bonito tanto ilustraciones como el cuento, estoy segura q a los niños les va a encantar tambien, si no tenemos la suerte de ganarnos uno en el sorteo, nos daremos un salto a Amazon.

  • September 24, 2011

    I bought this book & reallty love it! I also bought Lellie because I love your colors/illutrations in that book too.

  • September 26, 2011

    I love her toys, and all of your techniques! You illustrated her cute personality wonderfully!
    Please count me in on the giveaway!

  • September 26, 2011

    I want it I want it I want it!!!

  • September 27, 2011

    Your book looks wonderful and I really enjoyed reading about your process!! :)

  • September 28, 2011

    Terra F

    Your books and illustrations are simply gorgeous! Thanks for doing this giveaway!

  • September 28, 2011

    I’m such a fan of your work. It’s always so full of life and so very vibrant!

  • September 28, 2011

    Oh Juana! This is so adorable!!! I just love your style. Congratulations on your continued success. I’m so excited for you. HIGH FIVE! :D

  • September 28, 2011

    just plain wonderful!

  • September 28, 2011

    Juana, it’s gorgeous! Congratulations. I can’t wait to read it.

  • September 28, 2011

    Nadine Jenzen

    It is a pleasure to see such happy illustrations.The colors and mixture of mediums you used are so inspiring.

  • September 29, 2011

    Rosario Valiente

    What nice !!!! my friend !!!! be a succes for sure.
    i´m always looking for your lovely creations. Looking at them, make me smile. :-)

  • September 30, 2011


    Querida Ju, te felicito de todo corazón, me siento muy orgullosa de tener una excelente amiga y además tan talentosa. El libro, por tus adelantos, se ve fantástico, como siempre, tus ilustraciones me encantan. !Muchos éxitos más!.

  • September 30, 2011

    Congrats, Juana :D Lovely illustrations and textures :) The piggy doll is cute btw. All the best.

  • October 2, 2011


    I love how even messiness can be celebrated! Your illustrations have so much life in them- I look forward to reading your book!

  • February 9, 2012

    C Francisco Martinez

    I need a couple of autographed books. How big is the edition… !? :}

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