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Juana Martinez-Neal

A Mini-Interview with Molly Idle

Today we are starting the Series of Mini-Interviews and this week is Molly‘s week.

Miss Molly will be hopping around blogs answering our questions to make one very bubbly Molly Week. And really, how else could Molly’s week be? But there’s more! Molly is also hosting a Giveaway this week. She’ll be picking a lucky winner (and soon-to-be proud owner of) a copy of “Santa’s Workshop” and a signed Print of an illustration from the book! Giveaway details below. I hope you enjoy the interview with this bright Illustrator!

Molly Idle

About Molly Idle

Molly Idle is a children’s book author / illustrator, Mom, Mrs. and (not coincidentally) java junkie. To learn more about Molly you can follow her on Twitter, Facebook, and her website: www.idleillustration.com


Would you describe yourself in 5 words?

Optimistic, determined, quixotic, caffeinated, imaginative. (not necessarily in that order)

Now tell us how you got started as a children’s author and illustrator in more than 5 words.

I was between films at DreamWorks, and had written a short story titled Emma’s Gift for my Manna (my Grandma). My husband read it and said, “Moll, you should publish this.” I showed it to my Mom and she said, “Honey this is so good it should be published!” Now, I love these two people dearly, but they also love me dearly, and so I wanted some harsher critics to look at it before I submitted it anywhere. So, I sent it to a few of my brutally honest friends… and to my amazement, they liked it too. Then I picked up a copy of the Children’s Writer’s and Illustrators Market and sent it to just about everyone listed… talk about multiple submissions! Totally not what you’re supposed to do. Looking back- I cringe thinking about all of the non-fiction editors who opened my wayward submission to find a whimsical story about a little girl and her grandmother celebrating Christmas… But it worked. I got tons of rejection letters, but I also got one “yes”, and one is all it takes!

My Shadow by Molly Idle

[hg1]What was your favorite book as a child?[/hg1]

I have to choose two…1. “Little Women” (by Louisa May Alcott): My mom read it to me when I was six. 2. “The Sleep Book” (by Dr. Seuss) My Dad used to read it to me every night. I think I loved the experience of having those books read to me as much as I loved the books themselves.

Knight Time by Molly Idle

One lesson you have learned from working in this industry.

Work harder. If you think your work is good- work to make it better. If you think your work is getting better, work harder and make it your best. Think your work the best it can be? Guess again… As Winston Churchill said “Never, never, never give up.” Keep pushing yourself. You owe it to you readers and you owe it to yourself to put your very best effort into each book.

The happiest moment of your career.

I’ve been lucky enough to have so many happy moments in my career thus far. But I hope the happiest moment is yet to come. It’s like asking what piece of my work is my favorite… for me it’s always the next one, and the next one… the possibilities!

Flamingo Dancing by Molly Idle

What’s next for you?

A slew of new books with new publishers, and all of them different types of projects than I have worked on in the past. “Tea Rex” (Viking Press), is a funny and fantastical guide to tea party etiquette. “Flamingo Dancing” (Chronicle Books), is my first wordless picture book, and ( though I can’t give too much away yet) it is so much more interactive than a straight picture book. And last but not least is “Zombelina” (written by Kristyn Crow, Walker Books), a spectacular, spunky and spooky story about a little zombie ballerina. And all of them are coming out in 2013!

Tea Rex by Molly Idle

Santa's Workshop illustrated by Molly Idle


Molly’s Giveaway

Molly is giving away a copy of “Santa’s Workshop” and a signed Print of an illustration from the book. The winner will be randomly chosen from all entries, and announced Monday November 7, 2011.

Ways to enter:

  • Leave a comment below
  • Follow Molly on Twitter @mollyidle and copy this retweet on your status:
    RT @mollyidle Enter to win a signed print and a copy of Santa’s Workshop #giveaway
  • Follow/Like Idle Illustration on Facebook

UPDATE 11/07/2011:

Winner of the Giveaway is Lyn Martin. Congrats!

Part 2 of Molly’s interview continues tomorrow at her blog.

Part 3 will be posted Thursday at Mikela’s blog and Part 4 will go live Friday Friday at Laura’s blog so follow the Post Trail!

This post is part of a very informal and fun 4-week Mini-Interview Series to Children’s Illustrators who happen to be friends and happen to live in Arizona. In these posts, we will be interviewing:

You can learn more about the guests and the Series here.

Children's book author and illustrator, mami of three, wife, sun aficionado, amateur singer and Margarita lover born in Lima, Peru and living in sunny AZ.


  • November 1, 2011


    Oh, I LOVE Molly’s illustrations. They’re beautiful! And I’m going to keep my eyes open for Zombelina–it sounds like something that’s right up my alley! And winning a copy of “Santa’s Workshop” wouldn’t be too shabby, either. :)

  • November 1, 2011

    Thank you for this interview series. It’s so wonderful to get the behind the scenes glance at my favorite artists’ work.

    It’s always a treat to see Molly’s warm and fun illustrations. I can just stare at the yummy colors for hours :-)

  • November 1, 2011

    Cathy Bonnell

    I hate that it takes so long for books to come out once you hear about them–can’t wait!!

  • November 1, 2011


    Inspiring and beautiful!! ♥

  • November 1, 2011

    Thanks so much for starting this “Series of Mini Interviews”! Molly Idle is a wonderful person to launch with. What beautiful colors and engaging characters in her illustrations! I especially appreciated what she said in her lesson from this industry.

    I hardly have time to get online, but will to check these interviews out!

  • November 9, 2011

    Great interview. Molly, your work never ceases to amaze me.

  • November 12, 2011


    Awesome artist. I am having fun reading the interviews! Molly’s work is a delight.Love the ‘2’ flamingoes. Can’t wait for the Tea Rex.

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