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Juana Martinez-Neal

MY WEEK of Interviews and Giveaway

If you have been following my posts the last few weeks, you know the Mini-Interviews are entering their 4th week tomorrow. If you didn’t know about them, you may want to go back and read Molly’s, Mikela’s and Laura’s posts. They are filled with great information and they are at times extremely funny.

Now, Juana, what’s the purpose of this post? Really! Getting quickly to the point: My Week is FINALLY here! Well, tomorrow but still… it’s here! Woop! Woop! So in my excitement I may double, triple or quadruple post this week. Or I may not. You shall came back and see.

I also know that MY week falls on the American Turkey Holiday week. So I thought I’d let everyone know that if you are in the US, there’s a safe place to escape from crowds, turkey and stuffing. I’ll be here as planned.

My week of Mini-Interviews come with a Giveaway. I debated for weeks: books, prints, original illustrations. It was really hard to decide so Saturday I painted something for this week. And she is right below here thinking, “Really?!”

Sofia by Juana Martinez-Neal
The illustration is painted on a 12″x12″ canvas and has lots of texture, my signature on the front and info with my stamped logo on the back. Yes, I stamp every single illustration or painting that I do. I’m anal like that. But, scroll down and see images of the original sketch and details of the painting that can be yours. How? Well, tune in tomorrow for Part 1 of the mini-interviews and details on how to enter this Giveaway.

Sofia by Juana Martinez-Neal
Sofia by Juana Martinez-Neal
Sofia by Juana Martinez-Neal
Sofia by Juana Martinez-Neal

And here is a curious note: for one of those reasons that I never try to explain, just Friday I got a box with some books where she+padding fit perfectly. Perfectly. That’s great news for the lucky winner of Monday, November 28th *!

And now the last picture of the illustration ready to go (minus padding). You just have to come back tomorrow to read the Mini-Interview and enter the giveaway. See you then!

Sofia by Juana Martinez-Neal

* Shipping Note – I will be covering the shipping charges when mailed within the continental US. If the winner resides outside of the country or the continental US, I will contact the winner with shipping charges and estimated date of delivery. Thanks for understanding!

A November of Mini-Interviews and Giveaways

Children's book author and illustrator, mami of three, wife, sun aficionado, amateur singer and Margarita lover born in Lima, Peru and living in sunny AZ.


  • November 21, 2011

    I’ll be back tomorrow!! Your work is simply top-notch, Juana. It is awesome to see your sketch and beautiful painting in these pics and I know it’s even more so in person. Looking forward to your interview!!

  • November 21, 2011

    pascale mackey (@pascalemackey)

    Juana, she is beautiful!! She reminds me of a childhood friend of mine =)

  • November 22, 2011

    Sofia is gorgeous, as all of your other work :D
    Will be back later today (it’s noon here in my country) to check out your mini interview :D
    cheers Juana

  • January 5, 2012

    Hi Juana! I followed the link to your blog from the Great Comment Challenge. I saw your name and knew I hadn’t been here for a while.

    I love your site! Did you create it with Headway Themes? I really like the layout. Nice job!

    Take care and I’ll see you on FB I’m sure :)


  • January 9, 2012

    Love your work! Thanks for the reply too! BTW how did you create the copyright watermark? Did you have any bad experiences that prompted this or is it standard practise to include it?

  • January 10, 2012

    I really enjoyed the transition from sketch to full picture – quite a change! (I guess like going from draft to finished manuscript) The picture itself is stunning.

  • January 13, 2012

    So pleased to have found this site through the comment challenge and to meet you and Sofia. Liked the quick overview from sketch to finished illustration.. I’m going to check out the Pexeto themes too. Thanks for the tip.

  • January 18, 2012

    Hi, Juana. I’m rather enjoying browsing through all your illustrations. Very expressive faces and eyes. Stopping by during the Comment Challenge. Feel free to visit my website or my blog at http://billkirkwrites.blogspot.com .

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East Lyme, CT 06333

Stefanie Sanchez Von Borstel
858-824-9269 ext. 2
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