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Juana Martinez-Neal

Stats and KOLO Giveaway Winner

This series started with the idea of one post and ended up in a whole month and a half of planning, writing and thinking…. lots of thinking. It has brought life back to the blog, my FB page and Twitter. Stats… they went through the roof. From an average of 3 to 8 visits per day to 750 visitors the best day. That’s amazing! Yes, it’s not millions of visitors but it’s enough for my blog and me :)

Thanks to all of you who commented, shared, RTed, favorited and simply cheered me up. It meant a lot. Thanks to those of you who only read. You made the stats :)

Thanks to Angela Matteson, Tracy Bishop and Laura Zarrin who made the series more legible. Thanks to Molly Idle, Santiago Uceda, Debbie Ohi, Greg Pizzoli, Brian Won, Laura Jacobsen who took the time to photograph their portfolios.

Now, are we ready for a winner? You’d better be!

The winner of the giveaway is… Drum Roll, Please…


whose entry went flying out of the glass bowl as I was shaking it. Really! Those guys in the picture were there to watch it.

KOLO Giveaway Winner
Heather, I’ll be in touch via email within the next 2 days.

Thanks to all again! Read you soon! :)

Portfolio Blog Post Series:


Children's Portfolio Series and Giveaway

> Stay updated: email | rss | facebook

Children's book author and illustrator, mami of three, wife, sun aficionado, amateur singer and Margarita lover born in Lima, Peru and living in sunny AZ.


  • June 5, 2013

    Congrats, Heather!

  • June 5, 2013

    Congratulations, Heather and thank-you, Juana! I am glad you feel re-energized. We look forward to whatever you cook up next.

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East Lyme, CT 06333

Stefanie Sanchez Von Borstel
858-824-9269 ext. 2
Full Circle Literary