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Juana Martinez-Neal


Much has happened since I last posted here but little has been blogged about. With that in mind, some changes have been made, and I’m integrating my instagram account with the blog -since I’m a bit more active there –@juanamartinezn But do not fret, instagram post will be also posted here. No need to open an instagram account.

With that out of the way, let’s move on to “La Princesa and the Pea” and the updates I have to share about the book. Ready? Here we go:

1. The book is out. It was released September 5. You can place your orders online here:

Changing Hands


Indiebound button


Barnes and Noble button




2. Shortly Shortly after release (like a week after), the book went on its second printing! New book orders will arrive October 3rd (today!) so go ahead and place your orders. You’ll get your copies super fast!
PS – I’ve been told that Changing Hands still has copies from the First Edition -if that something that interests you. Signed copies will go out after Saturday.


3. Reviewers have been very kind with “La Princesa and the Pea”.

      • School Library Journal gave it a starred review and said: “A must for every library.
      • School Library ConnectionHighly recommended.
      • The Bulletin said: “Martinez-Neal’s graceful illustrations (…) really make this title a winner.
      • Booklist shared: “With eye-catching details on every page, this book is sure to capture the imaginations of young readers.
      • “La Princesa and the Pea” is a Junior Library Guild Selection
      • Mr. Schu added the title to his Best Books of 2017 list.


4. Matthew Winner who is a famous podcaster, invited Susan Middleton Elya, the author of the book, and I to be part of one the episode of the All the Wonders Podcast. We discussed inside stories behind the book, and other top secret Princesa details. You can listen to the podcast here: All the Wonders – Podcast Episode 387

All The Wonders Podcast Episode 387


5. I made some fun Book Activities for you that tie-in with the book! Scroll to the bottom of the page and print or download here.

Princesa Activities

6. We have stickers! Because we all love stickers! Come see me at one of my events, and I’ll share some with you -events include the Texas Book Festival in Austin, 18th AASL National Conference in Phoenix, and visits to bookstores in Washington, DC.

Princesa Activities


7. If you prefer, you can borrow a copy of the book at your Local Library. Your library requests help the book and us authors! So request away! We are already thankful!


8. As always, you can save the book to your to read list at Goodreads.

Add to Goodreads

9.If the last two do not apply to you and you already have a copy of the book, please consider writing a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads. We’ll be forever grateful!


10. Finally, the Book Release Party for “La Princesa and the Pea” will be at Changing Hands Tempe on Saturday, October 7th. Stop by if you can. I’d love to see you!

LA PRINCESA AND THE PEA Storytime and Book Launch Party

LA PRINCESA AND THE PEA Storytime and Book Launch Party

Thank you all for your support throughout the years. It means a lot!


> Stay updated: email | rss | Facebook

Children's book author and illustrator, mami of three, wife, sun aficionado, amateur singer and Margarita lover born in Lima, Peru and living in sunny AZ.


  • October 13, 2017

    Gary Mlodzik

    The artwork is amazing!

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East Lyme, CT 06333

Stefanie Sanchez Von Borstel
858-824-9269 ext. 2
Full Circle Literary