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Juana Martinez-Neal

Call to Hispanic/Latino Multicultural PB Artists

Juana's Call to Hispanic-Latino Multicultural PB Artists

This post is an official call to other Hispanic/Latino Picture-Book Artists whose main focus of work is Multicultural Children’s Illustration.

The initial idea was to find an existing group of Hispanic/Latino Children’s Illustrators to network with. Little did I know there was no such group. I looked online with no luck. I asked at Conferences and found the same answer – there’s no such thing. So why not get something started? I can’t be the only person who wants such a group. So here I am posting my call and I hope word gets out and we can get a nice group together.

Group Objectives –

  • To create a critique group that understands our culture and so is better able to understand our multicultural illustration work from this perspective.
  • To be able to network with talented, like-minded Hispanics and Latinos in our same field of work.
  • To create a strong body of work that effectively represents the Hispanic and Latino culture with pride and respect.

People Interested in Being Part of the Group Must Be –

  • 1. Of Hispanic/Latino Heritage or with an Interest in representing Hispanic/Latino Culture
  • 2. Picture-Book Artists
  • 3. Working on Multicultural Books

How the Group Will Work –

  • Group members post to our private blog when critique is needed.
  • A reply in 24-48 hours is requested from the other members. Brief and sweet works best.
  • Projects posted will be work-in-progress PBs so nondisclosure outside of the group is expected.

If you are interested in the participating int the group, all you need to do is post a comment or email me at me@juanamartinezneal.com

What are your thoughts and ideas? What do you look for in a Critique Group like this one? I look forward to your comments.

> Stay updated via: email | rss | facebook

Children's book author and illustrator, mami of three, wife, sun aficionado, amateur singer and Margarita lover born in Lima, Peru and living in sunny AZ.


  • October 11, 2010

    You know I’m in! I need hard-and-fast crits to double-check my proportions, youthfulness of characters, and any glaring mistakes before I work to finish. Another few sets of eyes would be so helpful!

  • October 11, 2010

    Juana, you know I’m not an illustrator, but I just wanted to say I LOOOOVE your illustrations and what you did with the fonts here in the title is perfect. I’ll continue to spread the word amiga!!

  • October 12, 2010

    Hi! I dont think my type of work fit in this group, but I just wanted to say I think the idea is GREAT and your work is Awesome! love it :)

  • October 14, 2010

    Hello Juana,
    I’m interested in being part of this group and network with other Latino artist.

    Luis D

  • October 15, 2010

    Fill me in! :D

  • October 15, 2010

    I’m not Hispanic/Latino but my partner is! I’ve spent a lot of time in Mexico and all over Central America and I LOVE it there. I’m also very interested in doing multicultural illustration work of all kinds… I’d love to find out your ideas for this group and whether I might be able to take part!

  • October 17, 2010

    Hi, I’m working with an Afro-Colombian Coproration called CARABANTÚ. We are sketching Children’s Books to show to the world the culture, the traditions and the cotidian life of afrocolombian people, with the purpose to preserve their legacy. We´re very interested in this Call. Congratulations for your work!!!

  • October 20, 2010


    Hi, I want to participate. I´m an illustrator and bookbinder, I hope be helpful to you. I´ve illustrade afro-mexican works, for example. Good luck!

  • October 20, 2010

    At Last! such a great idea, I think the critiques will make us better,and the fact that we are supporting different cultures will empower them, giving them a space to be represented and shared ;) by the way Im from Guatemala.

  • October 22, 2010

    marcela velez


    I’m so glad you’re doing this! I’ve been trying to find a Latino group of children’s illustrators for a while now. So, it’s clear to say that “I’m in!”

  • October 27, 2010

    Hola Juana..saludos! te comento que estoy muy interesado en participar en tu grupo, me gustaría saber más sobre tu proyecto, ya que al igual que tú pienso que no existen muchos grupos Latinos enfocados a esta disciplina y sobre todo tratar los temas multuculturales…muchas gracias ..besos …atte Cruz Mtz

  • November 2, 2010

    Hola Juana al igual que Cruz estoy bastante interesado en tu proyecto espero porder ser parte de el, pero quisiera mas informacion y saber como puedo contribuir, gracias

  • November 10, 2010

    ¡Interesantísimo! Yo hago cuentos y he trabajado sobretodo en temas tradicionales peruanos. Sería interesante poder participar. Mantennos informados. Suena a una super buena idea. Saludos

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